Thursday, March 05, 2009

Cramer responds to the White House

I am not a Cramer fan but I absolutly must be on his side in his fight with the White House. I voted for Obama and Cramer says he did too. I did have some fears that Obama's economic policies would be bad for us, and I was sure right about that.

We had a banking crisis coming into this regime, but now every area is in crisis. Each day is worse than the previous one for this miserable economy and while Obama's champions cite the stimulus plan, it's really just a hodgepodge of old Democratic pork and will not create nearly as many manufacturing or service jobs as we hoped. China's stimulus plan is the model; ours is the parody.

The whole article is here.

I voted for Obama knowing full well that his policies would create a lot of poor people for him to help and I positioned myself accordingly. Cramer on the other hand voted for Obama trusting that the Mad Money audience would be helped. What a gigantic bait and switch, ya think?

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